Profiles in Courage

Join the Junior Program via the VMA app. Desktop and mobile friendly.

JP High Office

  • Andrew Xue



    Boston Latin School

  • Danny Pylee



    Medway High School

  • Felix Wang



    Sharon High School

  • Ishaan Kancharla


    North Carolina

    Carnage Middle School

Thinking of starting a VMA chapter?

Join the Junior Program. We’ll help get you started.

VMA College Interns

  • Silvio Dow


    Worcester State University

  • Julianna Stratton


    College of the Holy Cross

  • Gavin Klein


    College of the Holy Cross

JP Regional Chapters

  • High School

    • Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford

  • Elementary School

    • Albert S. Woodward Memorial School, Southborough

    Middle School

    • The Park School, Brookline

    High School

    • Boston Latin School, Boston

    • Buckingham Brown & Nichols School, Cambridge

    • Newton North High School, Newton

    • Newton South High School, Newton

    • Medway High School, Medway

    • Concord Academy, Concord

    • Fessenden School, Newton

    • Sharon High School, Sharon

    • Mount Greylock Regional School, Williamstown

  • High School

    • Nashua High School, Nashua

  • Middle School

    • Carnage Middle School, Raleigh

  • Join the VMA for FREE and start a school chapter today! We need VMA representation in every state.

Trending. For the Good.

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Lead as chapter president.

Our Country Needs You

In times of division and uncertainty, we often look to leaders, policies, and movements to bring us together. But today, I ask you to consider something different—something timeless, universal, and deeply human: music. More specifically, classical music.

Our country needs classical musicians not just in concert halls but in our communities, performing a vital public service. Imagine the impact of live classical music in hospitals, schools, and public spaces. Imagine veterans finding solace in a violin’s melody, children discovering inspiration through a symphony, or struggling communities feeling a sense of unity through a shared musical experience.

This is where you come in. Volunteer Musicians for the Arts was founded in 2012 because we believe everyone deserves orchestra seats. Our mission is to bring classical music beyond the concert hall and into the heart of our communities, ensuring that its beauty and power reach those who need it most.

Since 2003, every presidential administration has recognized outstanding volunteers with the President’s Volunteer Service Award, the nation’s highest honor for volunteerism. Volunteer Musicians for the Arts is a certifying organization partnered with AmeriCorps to award this prestigious honor to those who dedicate their time and talent to serving others through music. Let us continue this legacy of service, honor, and giving.

By joining us, you are not just playing music—you are changing lives. You are healing, inspiring, and uniting. The time to act is now.

Join Volunteer Musicians for the Arts and be a part of something greater. Together, we can create harmony—not just in music, but in our nation.